Energetic Trends for October 2019

Hello and Welcome to another month of energetic trends!

Thank you for those of you who have been reading my reports. I hope they are serving you :-)

I’ve been finding that subjects which have been highlighted in my reports are presenting themselves randomly…the snake reference was mentioned by several reports on Youtube when discussing the nasty piece of work Epstein (and I mention his name reluctantly), we have been experiencing water issue through weather and disclosures on water management by governments (Australia)…

What about the latest disclosure on a so called motivational speaker who has been stealing other people’s work while pretending to speak from integrity and authenticity…I believe I mentioned this a couple of months ago

The key to remember with these reports is that universal consciousness does not understand months, weeks, days or years. The ether is a flow which happens irrespective of human need, experience, emotion or thought so the spill over can happen over a couple of months or even a day

So in delivering this energy report, I am drawn to provide early delivery. I might even do a Novemeber transmission and see how it will unfold!

The first word that bounced in my mind’s eye was PROGRESS!

And I for one, could not be happier for that to come!! Are you??

For anyone who has been experiencing stale mate, this is excellent news. I’ve been meaning to complete some personal projects but have been unable to do so due to external factors

Yes, we humans have no control over many things…we like to pretend that we do ;-)

So how will this progress LOOK, SMELL, TASTE, FEEL like?

Just imagine that a big wave will come and wash away everything that expired, old, overdue and considered extra weight in in your suitcase

In actuality, we will not have much of a choice over it. We had the option, opportunity and plenty of time to de-clutter and clean our space

That include physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual

Time lines are converging, energy is amplified and that CALL TO ACTION is playing with a loud speaker

Time to act is so RIGHT NOW!

Time to act is so RIGHT NOW!

I believe I mentioned the limited time line available for us to move onto the next phase…as I’m writing this, I feel there is a window of 7 or so days to review what our future plans will be like and what success will look like

I’m a firm believer that opportunities sometimes return to us, if we missed them the first time. NOT all the time but they do

I feel there will be major transformations, changes, updates, upgrades will occur in October 2019. These will be divinely instigated as well. So for those who tune into the flow, do the astrology etc, will be able to feel the push and pull effect

One question that popped into my mind now is, DO YOU HAVE TO KNOW EVERYTHING ???

The desire to know CERTAINTY can become something of an OBSTACLE so be aware that insisting on this aspect can be to detriment

I know I mentioned this before, however I feel this is an important reminder

I feel the concept of connecting to HEART SPACE will take centre stage this month. This can occur through more people awakening to what is reality and years of so called truths

Those who are connected become more heightened and are willing to help those who are stuck, unaware or LOST

There may even be an increase in HEART CONNECTION messages on social media

I feel levels of OPTIMISM will increase as we become less affected by scripts written by external sources

The shift in perspective is so overdue!!


BS sensor could be busy this month…

Keeping an eye on the pulse of things will become a very handy skill to have this month…I feel it will deliver resilience, individuation, inner strength, sense of accomplishment, inner growth and overall sense of accomplishment

I feel super empowered about what October will bring

Finally we begin to own our truth, strength, desires, weaknesses, ambitions and DREAMS

Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.
— Will Rogers

I opened the comments section below this post, and I would love to hear your thoughts or impression

Until the next Energetic Trend report

Stay safe and much love


Miss B