Energetic Trends for November 2019 - Batia Grinblat

Hello and welcome to another month!

I’m writing this blog while sitting at Edwards Park in Brisbane. I’m here for a counselling conference, and thought it would be a brilliant idea to start on November’s energy post. No rushing to deliver this one!

Its been very busy few months so this is just simply perfect opportunity to sit and reflect. Write and design

While still in September, I had some chapters close and feel the progressive move to mark the beginning of a new journey. I seriously FEEL I’m in flow for the first time in a long time!

Do you feel this too??

There is something special about watching nature…

There is something special about watching nature…

A new cycle is happening and will continue to reveal itself with time. The enormity of our life lessons will come to reveal the true purpose behind these events

Not KNOWING how things will unfold but instead FEELING the possibilities is the key as to how we need to navigate the next phase

So for the month of November 2019, I feel the main themes will be.....

While keeping outer events in mind, shift focus to the inner part of you. By this I mean to find the time, space and surroundings to permit the process of connecting (to universal consciousness, nature). Given the amount of distractions we have on daily basis and demand on our time, USE YOUR TIME WISELY

I’ve done readings where I had to remind people that not everything that glitters is gold. Same principle applies now. Not everything is as it seems. A lot of hidden undertakings are occurring right now. Some of them good and wholesome while the rest not so

I will be blunt and say, no amount of unicorn energy and fairy sprinkles will make any difference …

Choices will become very apparent. Things will need to be selected and acted on. However when facing that, consider there are 3 options…all of them are rather simple

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Not ready or undecided to action

One always wonders about roads not taken.
— Warren Christopher

All these options are valid. Not one is better or worse than the other. You pick what best fits your situation. So don’t be too hard on yourself. Listen to that voice rather than what the outside world demands of you…just in case you haven’t noticed the world has gone totally mad..

I’m hearing the word DELIVERY. I’m not sure at what capacity this may come, however be open to all that will present itself. Observe how and where this particular delivery will fit in your life, or if at all. The universe likes to test us at times....

I feel there will be some sort of EXPOSURE occurring. We’ve been having a few of those lately. Those who can walk among the shadows will most likely feel this. Some will express the details through their various avenues and others not so much or in a manner which is more cryptic

I’m finding November an odd one to read. However I will denote that to the fact that we are just around the corner from December 2019. I sense preparations for 2020 are very much underway. By the way, I feel 2020 will be an explosive year on many fronts. We saw the beginnings this year, with culmination beginning to show up very soon...

I feel May 2020 will present itself very loudly…and the words “domino effect”

The political sphere will become more obviously strained. Not only in Oz but globally. I feel it will become very obvious as to how the network that runs the global network is so tightly linked and connected in ways which have been previously hidden

It will also become very obvious how the hands are being played. The political arena is no different to the stock market or gambling, in that its speculative in nature and not necessarily designed to benefit its population

I also feel the stock market could enter volatility with global ramifications. I feel Christmas could be a somber event for a wide range of consumers, businesses and financial institutions. I’d say get on top of your finances

Time to get organised with finances….

Time to get organised with finances….

I’m hearing the rumbling within the corridors of Australian parliament. Some power struggles at play. Possibly another leadership challenge?

On a global level, I feel there is some sort of closing ranks, consolidation, coming together of some very powerful entities, in participation of some events or sequence of events. While tapping to this energy I feel there is also some sort of a process whereby accounts are being drained and or funds being moved about to accommodate for that event or events. Feels fishy and very calculating…(I personally feel that the collapse of Thomas Cook is fishy - just saying)

I also feel there will be some major number of people crossing over. It will be unusually large number

Exercising caution with air travel is brought to my attention. More specifically something with air port security. I’m unable to tap as to location though..so be aware of your surroundings

Interesting vibes!

This is a channeled message for the month of November although it is not exclusive to the month. Some events can start earlier or later, and are not listed in any particular order either. These messages are not designed to alarm, but merely to inform and prepare. As with every month, I would love to hear your feedback and you are free to read previous months to keep updated

I also have my #dailyeveryvibes which for now are being released on weekly basis (due to time constraints) but I do promise that once my schedule has been cleared a little, daily messages will resume

I will commence very shortly on the Energetic Trends 2020 for every astrological sign…Since these reports do require time and energy to prepare, there will be a nominal charge. It will be in a downloadable format for you to keep.

Until next Month, I wish you great abundance and joy

Much love

Miss B