Energetic Trends for September 2019 -Batia Grinblat

I would like to apologise to you my readers….I’ve undertaken a couple of major personal projects and busy times at work meant that my content delivery has suffered a little. I will share more about these once I can

And so September 2019 came around. I found August flew past so fast, my sense of time has been totally messed up

So what does the month of SEPTEMBER hold for us, and consciousness? I feel that it will be a solid month, with many transformations and transitions

For some the month will be easy (whatever that term feels and means to you, the individual)

For others it might present itself as hard due to processes that need to be undertaken, emotions that will take to undertake those processes, and any loss that may need to occur

The terms loss can present itself in having to let go of things that do not work, that have not worked, or sudden departures of ideas, people or anything that has EXPIRED or about TO EXPIRE

We humans view this type of transactions as loss, because our sense of attachment is very strong

That is why CHANGE can pose issues for most of us

The silver lining in this whole concept of change and becoming lighter with what we carry forward, is that we learn a new level of resilience and independence. Sitting in a comfy space, place, relationship, work arrangement does not provide for personal growth or challenge necessary for our soul evolution


Once again if you feel that you need to speak to a mental health practitioner, please do so. In choosing the right one, make sure you feel a connection with the person!

In September 2019, I feel there will be some sort of change in spotlights….or something will be put under the spot light. Either way our attention will be diverted onto something which has been hidden and needs to be exposed or something new will be revealed

Tapping into the energy of those spotlights, it feels global rather personal. However, as you may know, everything is connected and so it can reflect or spill onto our personal life

time for BIG picture…

time for BIG picture…

I’m also picking up on some sort of SPACE concepts. These could include manned missions, controlled mission or even UFO disclosure. I say UFO because of the speed in which the dishes were spinning. Space travel is not my thing, but there something that is happening, which is not visible or available to us humans…The possibility of some sort space war (like the ones you see on TV) is there…

The word WATER comes to mind. My body sways as I connect to it. The waters are unsettled. These could include weather events, pollution or misuse. I can hear conversations held over this issue, I connect with the word PROFITEERING and MONETISATION as well

I suspect some new schemes, systems or ideas are being discussed

Something is also taking with the supply of food. I’m hearing rationing and control…

I am not an alarmist, however keeping ears and eyes open will become essential. Food, water are basic humans needs. A force that disrupts this need will lead to a war, uprising and instability. Getting familiar with Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs is something which I highly recommend

Thinking BIG picture is so important. Not everyone will resonate with this idea…..however we should

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

In terms of personal perspectives in the month of September, I feel a voice will be guiding our moves. That voice is a combination of our higher self and divine providing guidance for us. Be open to ideas, concepts, conversations, moments of creativity, and anything else which may pop up

Be open and non dismissive

Now is the perfect time to take action in a manner which will be conducive to your future. The training wheels are off, and you are asked to step up and trust whatever it is that you are given to act on

Overthinking will create chaos in your heart and head. Best to connect to the first feeling something pops into your head or requiring your attention

Follow the light…

I feel free speech will be further gauged by social media platforms, and silicone valley. Agendas will create disruption. As if we have not had enough. However, with this I feel reckoning day is coming. Momentum is picking up, and once enough people stand up to the tyranny change will come into play

But not yet. Expect for things to get worse before they get better

The totem animal I see for September is a white DUCK which is interesting if you read its meaning

The animal totem for September 2019Once in a life time opportunities, connecting with your emotions and working through things one step at a time…

The animal totem for September 2019

Once in a life time opportunities, connecting with your emotions and working through things one step at a time…

Until next time, I wish you a fabulous month! I will try and deliver another piece mid month..I need to get back to my projects

Feel free to leave your comments in the comment section, that would help alot!

Much Love


Miss B

Images courtesy of Pixabay and Google (Maslow’s)

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