Energetic Trends for July 2019 - Batia Grinblat

Welcome to July!

This month I’m using 2 lots of decks to provide further clarifications on the general overview, and things are looking fascinating to say the least. The cards were literally flying out as I was shuffling…wow!

The top three are the path indicators and bottom one is the overall OUTCOME

This is a general reading

As time is a linear construct, this reading may spill onto August and even September. Be open to what may come your way…I do feel that this will transpire past July so I’d encourage to take notes of what unfolds


Starting from the top (left) ….it is time to embark on that journey the soul has been yearning. If things have been triggered for you which may include work/relationships/living arrangements/friendships etc, there will be movement towards creating life meaning shifts

I certainly noticed my “uncomfortable space” being put into the spotlight, have you?

As the veil becomes thinner, the availability of information and direction become so much clearer. The tuning into the vastness of possibilities is something which will be available to everyone SHOULD you choose to accept the mission

Those incoming opportunities will be available to everyone, however some will act on them while others not. Ultimately it will become a question of how much emotional wealth one wants to acquire by recognising what HAPPINESS MEANS to them and what SHAPE it needs to look and feel

Having clarity when tuning to HEART space will provide many answers and defining AHA moments

Great many symbols will present themselves in various forms. Be that in totems, numbers, dreams, connections and key phrases. Being aware of those incoming signals would become very important, and may not make sense initially, which would lead me to mention the word awareness

Awareness this month will be GOLD. Funnily, this was the colour I saw as I was tuning to the energetic flow for July. I would also say that wearing something made of GOLD will be an amplifier and would assist greatly

Also note the number 40, on the Follow the Leader card. In numerology this is a 4, which invokes the foundation of many things. For example, the 4 seasons of summer, winter, autumn and spring. The 4 directions of South, East, North and West. Explore the meaning of 4 in terms of WHAT foundations YOU would like to have in your life involving HAPPINESS

4 is also about Focus…How focused are you on achieving what matters to YOU??

Card position 2 of Ride the Wave is clarified by 7 of cups. In any given time, change will require consideration of options, de-fragment of ideas and belief systems. I would even go as to consider values here, which is why some transits are smooth while others are like choppy waves moving us from centre and the known

Where do you sit? are you open to change? How flexible are you willing prepared to be? Are you willing to surrender one thing in order to obtain another? How much are you willing to tolerate in order to gain that 10 of cups card? What about those options presented to you? Are they something that you want?

Take note of the questions that you are asking. Make sure they are of quality rather than quantity as they will assist remaining in integrity

There will be a time of contemplation (at this phase). Expect the growth curve to become very obvious as you will be required to participate in the selection. It is a number 5 card which is all about change…

The 3rd card stack is of action that needs to be taken once options have been considered. Having TRUST and FAITH will become massively important here

All too often we trust others over our own intuitiveness…this WILL NOT be a good path to undertake. In choosing to participate in exploring what makes you happy, is YOUR doing. No one has access to your soul’s desires, wishes, and self actualisation

The UNIVERSE has your back too

The tower card is so beautifully supporting of this transition mode. It reflects the number 9 of the Encouragement card. Endings always culminate with new beginnings

The Tower is not a bad card unlike the general perception. It is a card of shifts. The movement of things, people, beliefs and values and all that needs to be modified. FOUNDATIONS need to be rebuilt to become more in congruence with your NEW desires

You cannot drive an old car like you would the latest Jaguar, can you?

You cannot participate in a triathlon without having the right shoes, training gear or training, can you?

The fact that, the tower is the only major arcana card in the spread signifies the importance of creating the shift. Don’t fear being the ACTION TAKER

Standing in your authenticity is not easy because we have been subjected to years and even generations of conditioning. Most of the time these have been very limiting conditioning ideas

The final card of Storm Fields which is number 9, is the outcome card…Some choices, decisions and actions may become areas of contention or some incredible opportunities to collaborate

There may be some internal or external dialogue…how things turn out will greatly depend on the clarity that you will have throughout the period of this transformation

TRANSFORMATION is the key here

With transformation we are able to design a life and even a future that is aligned with our purpose


I trust the month of July will deliver you abundance and mountains of happiness

For personal readings or other services listed, feel free to contact me via the contact form

Much Love Until next time

Miss B