Energetic Trends for June 2019 -Batia Grinblat

Get Ready. Set. GO!


Hello everyone and welcome to another month of Energetic Trends!

This time we are heading into June and what would also be the beginning of the second half of the year. This month I was compelled to use the Sacred Rebel Oracle by Alana Fairchild. This would have to be one of my most favourable decks…

The Rebel is wanting to come out! Can you feel it?? I also suggest getting familiar with the astrology for the month. It would explain more specifically to you, the current trends, emotions and thoughts that could surface

I find that astrology validates what my receivers pick on, rather than the other way around..

So lets begin!

As we roll into another time frame (although time does’t exist in the ether), we shift gears into a time of inner reflection of what was up until this point, with the INTENTION of figuring out where we need and want to go. What do we want from life that is wholesome and authentic to US

More specifically how we navigate from the PAST to PRESENT and FUTURE

The current energetic trends globally and esoterically are turbulent to say the least. Change and upgrades are never easy. Intensity will increase as we enter the solstice on June 21st. I will be away on a seminar at that time which is interesting… WHERE WILL YOU BE?

Take note of your physical whereabouts as it will be very important. It will be a point of reference essentially to where you need to be heading….what you do around this time will be the directive that the universe is providing you with so tune into the messages you receive, people you meet, journeys you take, thoughts you have and any plans you make

The word here is PIVOTAL

The process of DELIBERATING on the next phase of your life will be amplified and enhanced through creation of higher intention, dreams, reconciling the past and designing a bigger picture for yourself on a personal level and possibly at a global capacity(if you so choose)

If you look at the cards (top 3), you will note how personal the message is. It is a subjective process as we go inwards to explore the divine messages we receive, the trust factor required to follow through and holding space without the judgement

All too often we don’t hear the messages because we dismiss them

All too often we don’t trust ourselves but yet trust everyone else. We define others as authority rather than ourselves

And then we proceed to judge the situation, the message, our processes as something or another by giving it a label

June is about PIVOTING our take on what constitutes a different reality for our higher good, in an authentic fashion And the contribution we can make the overall universal vibration

Can you hear your soul crying? Have you had enough of something? Do you need change? All the signs are there if you stop

The 4th card under the 3 elements is the outcome. What if for a moment, the very thing that you have been looking for IS already with you?

The “it” is always inside of us, we just have to do a lot of purging, self discovery, forgiveness and healing to reach that gem

And it’s truly a gem because once you enter the space of being unlimited, whole, and of pure love, things will begin to manifest very quickly

The energetic re-calibration may be very swift, so you will be able to apply all that you learned over the years. For those who only now begin to self discover the hidden; the availability of information and applications will become easily accessible

If I was to break down the numerology behind the cards (starting form the right), 33 is a master number and is unlimited potential. Given that it’s Heaven Sent will indicate that there are forces that supersede human concepts which hold us in greater regard. That is our most authentic connection!

Middle card is marked 2, and is the number of duality. Its understanding the concept that everything has two ends. Where do you sit? Nothing is only black or white because there is grey in the middle too. Being open and flexible is advised

The third card is 39 or when added equals 3. This is about working in union with divinity. It is the creation that provides rewards of the highest degree. How well connected are you?

The fourth card is 17 or 8. This the infinite and abundant. Everything is a continuum. It is also perfectly timed with the message that what is already within you. Being the outcome card, this can’t be anymore fitting I feel

I feel that June will provide an illuminating point for many. The truth on various elements will be shed, especially when you set the intention to step up and enrich your consciousness

Self care will be important. I advise to act diligently with SELF PROTECTION as the polarized (global trends) could become very overwhelming for many. Trust the inner alarm that may erupt when you are viewing things online, participating in polarizing conversation, driving, watching news, reading articles or having discussions with other people

If that alarm is activated….move away and don’t participate

The divide in people will become even more noticeable to those who are aware, and any less than favourable experiences that you might have, will prove to be an immense learning experiences so do not dismiss them

Keeping hydrated, meditating, writing in your journal, having intimate conversations with those who matter will be highly beneficial too. You would be surprised at how much those who closed to you would have in common with you. These people can also become your support network when needed

Your AUTONOMY may present itself in situations where you just pack up your bags and move, or end employment abruptly. ENDINGS are highlighted not only on deep personal seeded beliefs or values but physical movements

Once these decisions have been made and acted on, other doors will open and opportunities may present themselves. Those opportunities may be of a different nature to what would be “normal” to you, so please don’t dismiss them. Be OPEN and don’t JUDGE from a place of fear or unknown

Be THE FOOL in the Tarot. Embrace and follow through. The universe will not reveal its final outcome if you stand at the gate contemplating. The universe rewards action takers…

Have a fabulous June everyone!

Due to unforeseen circumstances I wasn’t able to record the meditation for last month, however I Will endeavor to deliver it this month so stay tuned!


Miss b