Messages from the Beyond - Dormant motivators awakened to launch

Convoluted reality

Diversifying spectrum

Dormant motivators awakened to launch

There is growth in pain

There is great yield in transformations

That is how battles have been fought and won

And lost

But what is a LOSS? really?

Without battles, humans will not be forced to make judgments and embrace inner strengths

Without battles, change or at least monumental change will not be coming forward willingly

For the most part, humans are status quo dwellers and habit creators

That is why we ( The Team) came here to be the instigators of that change


Do you really think that humans would be smart enough to create this latest event??

Many dark shadows walk along and hide within lightworkers

They have been implanted by many other dark forces to test your resilience, unity, and character..

You may ask…Why has this plan been designed?

Not only it was designed to test your ambitions to control something which is not yours but encourage the dark sides’ ability to create and imprint its characteristics onto humanity


This created ‘slavery’ in your human terms…

For them (the dark ones), such transaction is service rendered

Many of those who elected to pursue the darkness, temptation was far greater reward than remaining in the light


Believe it or not, there is a balance on a universal scale, however, due to great mass conditioning and programming, there has been a failure in recognising this

It is rather, unfortunate that humans prefer the easy and light way to accomplish things

We have been trying to highlight this to you, but you were not ready to accept

You were instructed not to accept, but you did not listen

Which brings us back to the beginning of this delivery

Convoluted reality

Diversifying spectrum

Dormant motivators awakened to launch

Over the next few months, more truths will be revealing themselves

People will trip over their words and actions

By the end of the year, many areas which have been familiar to you will be revamped

Perceptions, beliefs, loyalties will transform…

Both inner worlds and outer world will be a different place

Be the observer

Become the critical and innovator thinker

And question everything…

Much Love

End of Transmission

Thank you for being here

“The Team”

24th April 2020

Images: courtesy of Pixabay
