Energetic Trends for April 2020 - Unity

Hello and Welcome to the month of April 2020

April, post the incredible intensity that was March

The month that saw endings, which would indicate that beginnings are on the horizon

Where there are endings, there are beginnings

One cannot exist without the other

In an instant, our lives changed forever

Who are we really? What is our true identity?

We lost our way in recent times

We became consumers of all sorts and gullible at the lies and deception

The glitter of distraction taking away our sense of belonging, integrity, and divinity

We got disconnected with all that is important

Then, BOOM and CRASH

What now? Where from here? Dreams shattered and ambitions squashed

There were warning signs, but we didn’t listen (well, most of us)

Who are we really under the veneer and polish?

Truth hurts, reality stings, but the show must go on

Some deep questions need to be asked, and brave moves decided on

What and who will stay, and what will go?

How far are you willing to go, in order to bounce into the unknown with “0” certainty and confidence?





We all have memory, wisdom, experience and inner knowing


That is not how I start an energy trend reports EVER! We live in interesting times where nothing is out the realm of possibility

Back in September 2019, I had a moment where airport security was brought to my attention. Since I was sitting in an airport, it was hard to decipher the meaning and 6 months on, we are seeing the effects of the biggest socio and economic crisis in our lifetime

The effects will be felt for a long time, and it would take a great amount of cooperation among the different parties, populations, and organisations to stabilise the tsunami

I TOOK A BREAK FROM TYPING THIS…hence the late share



Sleeping on this overnight I received the following messages:

  1. there will be an increase in eliminating freedom of expression and speech. I saw this as a person with tape on their mouth. I have mentioned this agenda previously. The goalposts are moving gradually (if you are not aware), but for those who are, the signs are very obvious.

    In fact, this morning as I type the remainder of this report, I heard that a 2.5-hour interview with David Icke and London Real has been removed from YouTube…I feel this is set to continue. All SM platforms are about to tighten their bandwidth…

  2. Next, I saw FLOWERS blooming. This felt like Spring. Here I asked the question, how long until this blows over? Since I’m in the Southern Hemisphere, I would say not until September. At this point, things are still unfolding with great uncertainty, so it would be important to keep in mind that things take time to unfold. I would encourage people to HAVE HOPE and NOT FALL for the narrative being pushed. Take everything with a grain of SALT but keep on conducting your own RESEARCH.

  3. I feel human consciousness will reach some sort of plateau this month. This is actually not a bad thing. This is for the purpose of INTEGRATION. As more people awaken and have enlightened experiences (and those can be different experiences for different people), the time to integrate the past and present is HERE RIGHT NOW.

  4. At a previous download (sometime last year), the month of May 2020 was brought to my attention. At this point, I don’t know how it will unfold, but I will be aiming to deliver my report within the right time frame. I do suspect there will be a glitch or disruption in the system. It’s being presented to me as a mainframe computer having a meltdown moment. The word that follows is unchartered.

  5. I also feel that many people will get their “enlightened” moment. This will result in people have more clarity about their role in the coming months and years. I had the 23rd and 24th April 2020 come to mind, so I looked up any pending astrological events, and I found that Ceres will be entering Pisces at Cer 0 Pis 00' on the 23rd (depending on where you are situated). I would encourage you to read the article I shared even if it’s very lengthy. (https://graycrawford.net/2020/04/02/ceres-at-the-crossroads-of-civilization/).

I hope the month of April is kind to you, even if it may feel that it’s not. Now that I’m almost settled after our massive move, and I hope to be more consistent with my future posts.

Have you downloaded your ASTRO sign yearly energy report yet? You can check them out at the SERVICES tab!

Until next time

Much love and stay safe


Miss B

Image: ShonEjai (Pixabay)