Energetic Trends for March 2019


As I begin this transmission, I am being guided to throw some questions into space….How BIG do you want YOUR picture to look, be and feel?? What is standing in the way if all that supposedly present was just an illusion?? What would be your ANSWER for the deeply seeded question that seem to surface at random times creating havoc in your core??

What if I was to propose that you have been subjected to some black magic or trick that not only created delusions as to why you should not pursue your dreams, but also clouded your perceptions of what constitutes reality??

Right now we have some very clear options and possibilities that we can approach with an open mind, in a way that may have not been possible until this particular point in time

Would you believe me or not?

The choice in action, whatever it might be is entirely yours

There is greatness in taking risks and becoming an observer of everything that would be considered non conventional and radical

In fact, that is nothing new, but a mere awareness and perception shift because recent experiences have created this monumental shift

This thing I talk of in terms of risk and becoming an observer needed to be switched on somehow

How do you know that you’ve reached a new level? Your degree of being triggered is relatively mild and flow seems to happen easily

Can you feel or see the abundance on your horizon?

What is your definition of abundance? How does it make you feel? Do you view it through old paradigms of beliefs or pair of old sensory glasses?

Explore, search and expand

We are urged to step up our efforts in creating that universal mission we came here for

Grounding will become essential for a couple of reasons

First, the process of thought and feeling will create a massive energetic force in our upper body and in order the counter balance the effects, we will need earthing

So walk bare footed where possible and even create a ritual that would become part of your routine

Second, as change (last month’s reading) makes its way into our lives, the need to remain grounded and centered will become essential. Earthly messages, will also be transmitted through this process. YOU DO NOT want to miss out on those

There will be a massive priority shift or shifts that will be presented in a need of some work

This is the foundation for the next level in pending energetic shifts

Hydration, good nutrition, good mental health, mindfulness, will become highly suggested

If you are new to this, welcome

If you have been practicing this, your practice will evolve and become more fine tuned

Global issues - part and parcel of the current reality. Key words: messy, volatile, unpredictable, triggering, overwhelming and uncertain

Keeping a check of mental wellness in terms of navigating this will involve a degree of disconnect

Some unexpected events will reveal themselves

Karmic tides are turning (and very rapidly at that)

Don’t fear standing out

You don’t want to be Grey or Vanilla

That is not how greatness is achieved

Even while we have Mercury is retrograding, the picture will become clearer, more defined, more focused depending on your current position

The tendency to shoot from the hip will be great - so watch out for the eruption (yourself and other)

I’m getting the symbol of a HORSE to represent this month


I will leave the research of its meaning to you….this is not the purpose of this writing

There will be grey, lots of grey HOWEVER you don’t have to become part of that

Be the colour the world needs right now

Just a small addition, some new medical and historical discoveries are expected. These could come in a form of ‘new’ or ‘newly released’ the public, so I guess we will have to wait and see ;-)

With love always

Miss B


If you want to continue the conversation through personal sessions, feel free to bounce me an email or connect via social media links.