Energetic Trends for April 2019 - Batia Grinblat

This is my second attempt at delivering this report…Something happened (like Mercury in shadow post a retrograde I suppose)

Mercury fully delivered its effects this time around. Yes this retrograde sucked BIG TIME!

I found my internet played up to the point that I needed my modem, router replaced and extender re-connected

I also found my previous attempt at writing the report was lost (even when I thought it was being auto saved), but that’s life

It feels almost like the universe is forcefully implementing an even kilt on what constitutes our communication, message, delivery, intention, creative process and manifesting. Nothing is safe…

ANnoying??? Oh yes

Necessary??? I’d consider it more along the lines of over due, long time expired and or “is it really necessary??”

Yes, there is further clearing to be had

So how did I describe APRIL in the first report???….I had to find a song to match the mood, and it is a track that I have’t heard for sometime

It goes something along these lines…

It’s not often that I cannot find the words to describe energy to refer to a time or situation and in all honesty I’m very curious as to why a track and why this one?!

I feel that April will most likely take your breath away in the following ways:

  • the speed in which things, people or events will move/change/occur

  • the lack of order (the order in our mind and what we accustomed to). Keep in mind that the universe has its own order and sequencing

  • the unexpected on many fronts will most likely surprise

  • learn the ability to navigate through various door ways and tunnels (physical or mystical)

  • heart connection will be MASSIVE and for most it would feel like ANXIETY and STRESS

  • whatever that has been held onto (but has to go) will wilt or rot….the signs have been here long enough for us to create adjustments. In the event of resistance, I feel there will be ramifications

  • resistance as in human behaviour/movement will become stronger and more vocal. Some would prefer AND try to put a lid on it but will fail. Awakening is gaining momentum and key players will not be too impressed…So watch out for dirty tricks and tactics to discredit people, movements and new ideas

  • expect values and beliefs to be shaken (and stirred….)

  • the divide will be expanding. For those who are aware please do not judge it too harshly. There is a bigger plan at play here which would be translated at some capacity later on

Seekers of universal truth will find it easy to inspire others as the connection between here and the invisible will become more fluid

And so in being able to deliberate between this mix, being open is the key

Just when you thought you need to be turning right, you will be forced to make a sharp left, move back or even stop

Don’t judge or overthink the process because that’s when things can get messed up

The jaggedness of the song I picked best describes this

I often wonder why certain songs come to mind at random times…. just before losing the original script this forecast I wondered why the mid to late 90’s was such a strong theme

I remember the 90’s….it was the time before we crossed the threshold of the year 2000

Effectively it was the year that change within our social norms, social structure, drive to consumerism, technology began. And it never stopped

However, in 2019 on the door step of 2020, time has come to reflect on what we’ve done, how much we evolved or not, what defines us as humans and our impact on a global level AND universal level

I personally feel, that it has come to a fork on the road. A moment in time that requires careful consideration and diligent selection of options

Cause and Effect

The focus needs to shift from us being the centre of attention to what we need to do in order to comply with growth and humanity that is more reconciled with higher frequency

Best way to think of this is like this…

You are a function of what the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing.”
— Alan Watts

I feel there will be material loss for substantial number of people

This can manifest itself as the following:

  • the material possessions have been acquired through a dishonest, fraudulent or pure greed methods

  • a “natural” disaster

  • frivolous regard to the energy of money

  • lack of preparation and research (in terms of investment, for example)

  • I will go as far as flagging the share market. I’m picking on exchange of some sort. This can be currency, debt being wiped off, transactions etc

I would refrain from travelling by sea as I feel that energetically this mode of transportation is somewhat unstable and subject to “freak” weather elements

How to navigate through the month?

Find YOUR mode of wellness that best FITS. Create the combinations that create the best of effects. It will not be one thing because the concept of flow needs to be learned. This will support the process of integration

Stay away (where possible) from large crowds and super busy places. For instance, find a quiet time to do your shopping or catch up with people. Since the energy will be jagged at times, its effects on people can be unpredictable

Stay hydrated and stick to a healthy clean diet. Even try to detox from very common allergens such as wheat, alcohol, dairy, sugar and soy. Green veggies with your meals and juices will amplify the body’s ability to deal with daily stress or any other emotional or psychological issues which may pop up

I would also suggest good quality Spirulina (**Side note: I am not a medical practitioner so please consult with your health practitioner)

Sleep and rest will be important so don’t fight it. Keep a journal and a pen by your side…

A perfect opportunity to seek help through professional services to deal with your blocks and boundary issues. Make sure to keep a journal and DO the work. You will not regret it! The revelations will be monumental…Expect new insights through dreams and dejavuse

Set the intention to create order and sequence to your daily way of being. This will aid with focus on projects, setting new goals and well being

Sunrise @ The Lighthouse, Byron Bay 2017

Sunrise @ The Lighthouse, Byron Bay 2017

So to end this transmission, I wish you a fabulous April

Be gentle with yourself and others

Things will happen

Those too shall pass

And remember

You want to be the CAUSE of what happens in your life!

Much love




Currently I’m working on something which would work in compliment with the monthly Energy Trends…:-)

Feel free to share this if it resonates