3 Key reasons why self-care should be your immediate priority!

3 key reasons why self-care should be your immediate priority.png

2020 arrived with a bang and will leave with a bang!

While we have been observing and absorbing current events, our mind body and soul have been subjected to an unprecedented amount of visual stimulation through media, politics and social narratives.

Our finances have been battered, our lives disrupted, freedoms removed, and rights challenged. The world as we know it has been thrown into turmoil. And the icing on the cake is when we are told ‘there will be no getting back to normal’.


I will bet there are mixed emotions and thoughts because I have them too, but I choose to hold space from an observers perspective.

So, what are my top 3 reasons as to why self-care should become your immediate priority?

First, there is only 1 YOU. No one knows you better than you know yourself!

Expecting other people to fix us is highly unrealistic and ultimately sets us up for failure. It also enhances victim mentality and stops us from thinking and doing things outside the box. Many years ago, I blamed everyone for my misfortune until I realised that one thing was broken…

That something was ME!

The knowledge that something needs to shift is the first step in self-care. The self-realisation element gives value to intention and commitment.

Second, the time is NOW. We are not guaranteed tomorrow!

Procrastination is a very fine avoidance tool. It allows us to defer accomplishing things and facing our little shadows that are dying to integrate into our life so that we can live a more harmonious life.

We not only rob ourselves from reaching our personal greatness, but we also limit our contribution to humanity.

Many sages keep on reminding us that there is only now, and for a good reason. Living in the now ensures that we are present with all that is around us, polarity and all.

My mantra is appreciating the past, living in the present, and designing the future. That is my self-care!

Third, it is very likely that things will get worse. Where are you sitting in the mix of things?

No one can predict the future, because if we could, we would avoid many experiences or we would pick and choose our favourite moments. That is NOT how things work!

I am of the opinion that it is better to be prepared rather than be surprised!

Where are you in your life are you avoiding or running away from things? Are you not sick of running away?

Self-care is about acknowledging that things will happen, and how we talk to ourselves is key in navigating the exit. We cannot control conditions outside of us, but we can control how we interact and respond!

Now is the perfect time to start planning, organising, and setting intentions! The process may not be comfortable initially, however, once you map out your plan you will find that the inner staleness shifts and new possibilities unfold!

It all starts with US :-)