Energetic Trends for February 2020 - RE everything!

Hello and Welcome to another Energetic Trends Report!

This report was going to be published earlier, however, a final university assignment needed completion and we are getting ready to move interstate around February-March…super exciting times ahead!

The world is facing some interesting events…from possible war to mass contamination due to the Coronavirus and Brexit. I wasn’t sure what I will get this month, to be honest.

So here we go….

The energies of 2019 are gradually coming to an end

I feel alignments are coming to the forefront at this point. These could present themselves as it is in my case, severance of something that I thought would last the distance to a complete redirect. However, unless you have been following the signs delivered to you, disruptions and surprises are very likely

Events, choices, intentions by others will be revealed, the truth is coming out. Some will not be ready for their ideas to be challenged! (Nothing new here, but slightly amplified…)

There could be a re-connection with people from the past for personal or business reasons. However, I would suggest tapping into the dynamics of those associations. They would feel different, the association will present itself differently as well. The point to keep in mind is, that expectations and outcomes will not be the same as before, so be flexible in whatever way the outcome will present itself. As a whole, I feel it is a case of revisiting and clearing the slate

I’m hearing the world “re-engagement”, so I will propose that it has a connection to the point mentioned above

I feel that February will bring about a new force for self-discovery. This could manifest as finding a new inner work program, new educational desire, decision to travel, a new job, new mentors, new creative endeavors, etc. Getting connected to our inner authenticity will become more prominent. If you’ve been doing the work, it will be a spiritual graduation

When I search for words to describe the overall feeling for February, I hear “regeneration”. I find that rather interesting because here in Australia, we experienced massive blazes across all states. It has been so heartbreaking to see the loss and destruction, that I had to stop viewing all media reports. I think, on a metaphysical level, the concept of regeneration had to be accentuated through these fires so that the rebuilding process would begin. How else, can something get our attention if not for presenting some very overwhelming events? Unfortunately, society has become blase about many things and the state of our personal and universal consciousness needs attention

Where in your life, are you finding that things are ending and new beginnings starting to sprout?



I feel that in February, we will see some sort of divide. It will be a divide between a school of thoughts, actions, and vision for the future. This will present itself on a global scale and personal sphere. How do we deal with this? If you’ve been doing the inner work required, you will see and feel the best way to navigate the differences. However, if you haven’t, you could find yourself in some interesting conversations and situations. Emotions could be amplified so just be wary of that…

I would also say that both our inner perception of the world and the outer presentation of that world will mirror each other. It would almost feel synchronistic in nature, however, it is more a case of senses being alerted to the fact that our thoughts and feeling can create our present and future. It would feel “quantum physics” types of connections. The senses will be amplified remarkably, so I would listen to the theme

I feel that manifestations will also be instant…if you are aligned with your destiny…This I would consider as a gift that the universe wants to bestow on you PROVIDED you act or acted in integrity, authenticity and good faith

Some will need to defend themselves. I see swords being drawn in what looks like a dual or the 5 of swords in the tarot. So, whether it is fighting for your beliefs and opinions or defending a cause, defending will occur. As a suggestion, I would say explore mediation where possible or explore other conversational options. This could also play out on the international arena as another dispute between countries…

Oceans are highlighted…I see a grey sky and empty beaches, so I will suggest that a weather event could unfold. It feels like a massive storm

When I ask the question, what else can I be shown, I see sealed lips. I think that being an observer would go a long way this month. There is enough noise everywhere, with unknown outcomes and the Coronavirus, the ramifications of so many conflicting ideologies floating about that I would say - DO NOT GET INVOLVED IF YOU DON’T HAVE TO!

Focus on the things that matter! where you can make genuine contributions and create meaningful change. Work on personal projects. Collaborate with others. The time to participate will come, now simply take a back seat and do what needs to be done

I’m seeing bombs being loaded…not sure of the details so I will keep a tab on this!

When I tune to the overall energy, I see a very fine equilibrium being leveled (as I write this). On one hand, the mayhem and chaos show up its ugly head, and on the other side, unconditional regard to humanity. It feels like a black and white battle is occurring at the moment. I feel things could get intense towards the end of the month…

In conclusion, I think February 2020 will provide a snapshot of where we are heading. The collusion of opinion, belief, and action will present themselves. Therefore I feel it will be a RE type of month. Where do you sit amongst all this?

If you haven’t checked my YEARLY ENERGY REPORT for your star sign, you will find all signs under the services tab

For personal reads, contact me via contact page

Until next time

Stay safe!


Miss B