My Top 8 ways of dealing with Mind Chatter- July 2019

Take 2

Mercury in retrograde ended up in me losing the first copy of this blog….flexibility is the key, so this will be the edited version


Need to calm down moment…Breath!

Yes, I did have to keep my cool when a blank page came up on my screen after a Microsoft update…Grrr


Over the years I experimented with a wide range of techniques to deal with mind chatter. The BAD news is that it will never go away, however the GOOD news is that you can tame that monkey!

The following are my top 8 methods when the monkey starts running the show:

#1 Get a journal or diary. Allocating a time and place for expressing your thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, visualizations is a MUST. If you keep everything inside your head, the process of clearing and healing will take so much longer. The degree of pain and discomfort will grow, and down the slide you will go again

We heal by letting go…You can be brutally honest or as kind as you want

Your journal is a JUDGEMENT FREE ZONE

If we hold enough negative or non enhancing emotion, thought or belief, chances that illness will arise. That is something that is not encouraged

I once had a client that ridiculed the idea of journaling….we never worked together again simply because she failed to understand the importance of this tool. It is also highly recommended when attending formal therapy.

#2 Clean your space. Here I would include everything from a cluttered room, filthy self talk, and negative associations. You cannot possibly create a healthy relationship with yourself and that type of internal dialogue, if your surroundings are less than inspiring. I would also suggest a good dose of smudging on regular basis. That stuff clears the soul and I swear by it!

I’m not sure how many incense sticks, candles and smudge sticks I used over the years….Just make sure to leave a window slightly open to allow air circulation!

Other clearing items can include: Tibetan singing bowls, music, mediation, mantras, affirmations etc. Find what works best for you

Keep a window open while using anything that releases smoke…white sage and frankincense are a couple of suggestions

#3 Your body will start talking to you. When you start the healing process, the body will communicate to you in various ways. It is very likely that you will acquire some strange eating habits, allergies, intolerances, and maybe illness. For me, it was instant under active Thyroid which meant unexplained weight gain, massive mood swings, depression and suicidal thoughts

When the body does that, it is a demand for attention. Explore medical and holistic approaches to ascertain what it wants. I suggest using a variety of modalities. Don’t have blinded faith in medical practitioners because you will be very disappointed (as I was)

It is most likely that you will ask “why me” and “what have I done”. My answer to you is that you are getting an upgrade. It is a process that needs time, patience and self love

#4 Don’t fear the process of self discovery. There are no set rules or methods. Everyone does it differently. IF anyone claims to be an expert or make claims of instant recovery - I would suggest to walk the other way very fast. These are false claims. Learn to trust the Instinct Voice that will begin to make itself known more often and much louder.

Learning to having an inner dialogue with your higher self will require time, patience and truck loads of faith. Just consider this, we are more likely to listen to others and accept them as experts rather than our selves! How ridiculous is that! I am GUILTY as charged on this point, so it is very normal

However, it is time to step up and start BELIEVING in yourself!

#5 Music. This is probably one of the most powerful tools to have around! Music is a vibration. When music is played it releases a frequency that can change physiology. Just think of how it makes you feel? If you add meditation onto that - WOW you can go to some amazing places! Trust me!

Once the “right” music is selected, you can have some amazing conversations with your soul, spirit guides and even past ancestors (if you are ready to venture into that arena). You open portals, you connect with your higher self, and clarity becomes amplified (when done safely and responsibly)

The HEAD CHATTER takes a difference turn, and you will most likely find that you learn to navigate the hard times much better. You become more self accepting, tolerant of “errors” that you may have made, forgiveness is easier and the skill of detachment becomes more effective


#6 BREATH. Most people only breath shallow breaths which is where the anxiety factor likes to live. The anxiety eventually grows as the mind chatter increases or makes unreasonable or uneasy decisions

Learn to breath as a Yogi. The focus on the activity will literally stop the mind chatter because your centre of attention is no longer engaged in conversation

YouTube has loads of clips, so I highly recommend to find one that fits your requirements

#7 New activities. Start incorporating activities that you like! Not only will you be very good at them but the performance will detract from engaging in mind chatter. You could possibly be engaging with real people..

#8 Seek professional help. There is absolutely NOTHING WRONG WITH SEEKING PROFESSIONAL HELP! If you are finding that you have issues in starting the process, I highly advise seeking the assistance of qualified people. We all NEED help at some point

I’d like to think that we cracked the Mental Health issue by now to allow that conversation to occur. Is there someone you know that you can confide in?

It does not have to be forever!

Environmental support is a must and something that should be encouraged

So here they are…8 ways to deal with Mind Chatter. Through journaling, clearing, listening to your body, breathing, talking to a professional, seeking new activities, music and not fearing the process of HEALING that you can move forward and create the INFINITE YOU

Until next month…Please leave comments on this post and feel free share

Caveat: If you suffer from mental health issues, this article is not designed to replace professional help and or medication. This a guide only. If you or someone you know requires immediate help, please call Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 or Lifeline on 13 11 14


Miss B